Widows Sons

Wyvern Chapter Widows Sons – Masonic Bikers Association offer their help

The Widows Sons is an International Association which is open to Freemasons who enjoy motorcycling and have a desire to ride with and associate with their fraternal brothers.

We are the only Widows Sons Association in the UK that is recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England.

Whilst we wear identifying regalia, our patches, the Widows Sons are not a biker gang, MC or 1% Club.  We are required to represent the fraternity in a positive light at all times.  The Widows Sons serve to raise money for charitable causes, raise Masonic awareness while attending public motorcycling events and support our regular lodges in whatever capacity we are able.  Widows Sons chapters have helped increase Masonic membership through our presence and visibility during public motorcycle events and rallies.

We have chapters throughout the United Kingdom and each Widows Sons chapter is encouraged to sponsor or participate in local charity runs or events.  In all cases, we strive to present a positive image of Freemasonry and our Association to the public.  Today we have active chapters throughout the United Kingdom, many States in the USA, Canada and throughout Europe.

It is our aspiration to have a Widows Sons chapter in every Province, to support that Province at public engagements and in any other capacity we can.

On 16th April 2020, thirteen members of The South West Chapter applied to the governing body of the Widows Sons to create their own chapter and, as such, Wyvern Chapter were given their own Charter to cover the Masonic Province of Somerset as well as their neighbouring Provinces of Gloucestershire and Bristol.  Since then, the chapter has grown to 16 full members as well as having a waiting list of another 13 candidates.  Unfortunately, due to the lockdown and like all masonic activity, we have not been able to progress those memberships but we look forward to the day that we can meet and ride together again.

Looking at current members, including our new candidates, there is a team of some 29 bikers across the Province ready, willing and able to provide assistance to our brothers should they need it.  Of course, we hope you all stay safe and well during this very unusual and worrying time but, should you need assistance for collection of medicines or other essential supplies then please don’t hesitate to reach out.  Our Almoner, WBro Micheal O’Meara (aka Gunny) is taking the lead on coordinating support and can be contacted on 07864 857523 or by email on ws-wyvern-almoner@outlook.com

Yours sincerely & fraternally

WBro Harry Blinston

President – Wyvern Chapter

Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Assn

07869 431402


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